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20 March 2009


Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology announces 2009 seminar series

Etch and deposition equipment maker Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology of Yatton, Bristol, UK has announced that, in conjunction with host universities, in 2009 it is holding several seminars on a variety of topics.

Speakers from the host universities will be supplemented by guest speakers from other institutes and industry, in addition to process and applications experts from Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology.

  • 2 July 2009
    Innovation in Processing at the Nanoscale
    Hosted by the University of Southampton, UK
  • 16-17 July 2009 (during Semicon West week)
    Plasma Etch Tech 2009 - Pushing the Limits
    Hosted by The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA
  • 27-28 August 2009
    Dry processing for microelectronics, growth, deposition and etching
    Hosted by TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands

To register for a place at any of the above seminars, contact: [email protected]

See: Oxford Instruments Company Profile

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