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13 September 2006


Photonics Center purchases Heidelberg’s DWL66 fs maskless laser lithography system

Germany’s Heidelberg Instruments GmbH has sold a DWL66 fs maskless laser lithography system to the Boston University Photonics Center. The system is capable of binary and gray scale exposure, layer to layer alignment, and can produce minimum features down to 0.6 microns, says the company.

“The Heidelberg direct write laser system provides capabilities within the Photonics Center’s Optoelectronic Processing Facility that are not currently available in house and require expensive masks to be fabricated off-site,” said Dr Helen Fawcett, a Boston University Photonics Center engineer.

According to the company, the system can write micro-lenses, lens arrays, MOEMS, and other three-dimensional optical structures directly into the photoresist on final-base materials, such as silicon, III-V materials, and glasses.  The direct write system will be used by faculty members and students at the Photonics Center for R&D in biophotonics, nanotechnology, MEMs, and interactive optical elements (LEDs, transmitters, receivers).

“Students and professors will be able to continue their research within a few hours, as opposed to waiting for a week for the delivery of photomasks,” says Professor Thomas Bifano, director of the Photonics Center.

“We are very pleased that Boston University Photonics Center have selected our laser lithography system to be installed in their state of the art facility and to be used in pioneering research in light based technologies and development of cutting edge products,” said Alexander Forozan, VP of Sales and Marketing, Heidelberg Instruments GmbH

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