- News
11 December 2013
Solarion begins series production of flexible CIGS PV modules
Solarion AG of Leipzig, Germany has begun the series production of its flexible copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film photovoltaic solar modules, the first of which is a flexible solar foil directly laminated onto 0.7mm rolled sheet aluminium. The SOL90AL module has been designed and developed to satisfy strong market demand for flexible lightweight PV products, says the firm.
Founded in 2000 as a spin off from the Leibniz Institute for Surface Modification, in 2002 Solarion established Europe’s first industrial pilot line for manufacturing flexible CIGS thin-film cells on a polymer substrate. Its technology is based on patented ion-beam-assisted deposition of the CIGS absorber in a roll-to-roll process. Advantages are its low deposition temperature, improved solar cell energy conversion, higher process speed, and lower energy and material costs. Now, Solarion’s first production line, with an annual capacity of 20MW, has been started.
In the new SOL90AL module, the sheet metal extends beyond the solar laminate on two sides to allow fast and easy mechanical fastening to a variety of substructures, eliminating the need for expensive racking systems. Additional penetration-free mounting methods on various roofing materials and membranes are also made possible.
With a total weight of 3.8kg (0.78lb/ft²) and a convenient format of 1350mm x 875mm, the SOL90AL is easy to handle and universally installable onto rooftops with weight restrictions, says Solarion. Most often, roof construction analysis does not need to be undertaken, enabling greater savings compared with conventional PV add-on systems, it is claimed.
A newly designed UV-resistant junction box is mounted to the front-side of the module, allowing simple module stringing. Rear-side junction box mounting may be available upon request.
The SOL90AL modules have been certified by VDE according to standards IEC/EN 61646 and IEC/EN 61730-1 and -2.
Module power ratings start at 65W, and ratings of 80W and higher are expected to be launched during 2014.