

14 June 2010


US LED production light panel/fixture market for broadcast, video & motion pictures to grow at 20.2% to 2016

US consumption of LED production light panel/fixtures, which are used in broadcast TV, professional videography and motion pictures/film applications, is forecast to increase at an average annual growth rate of 20.2% during the 2009–2016 timeframe, according to a new report by market research firm ElectroniCast Consultants.

“Tungsten lights, along with HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodide) and even fluorescent lighting are the dominant technologies in this market sector; however LEDs are gaining in market share and are moving out of the niche applications and are being accepted as a credible light solution,” says Stephen Montgomery, president of international business at ElectroniCast.

Chart: US LED production light panel/fixture market share, by application (2009).

In the broadcast and motion picture sectors, ElectroniCast sees high importance being placed on the high-tech approach of LED lighting fixture manufacturers that are providing not only LEDs but also a lighting solution to the many challenges in the production of broadcast programming and motion pictures.

A benefit, directly related to the use of LED lighting in studios and sets, is the consumption of less electrical power consumption, not only because LEDs use less energy for lighting but also because less air conditioning is required, since heat generated by an LED is negligible. “Also, television broadcasters and film studios are proud to publicize that they are good corporate citizens by incorporating LEDs in their operations and thereby embracing green technology,” Montgomery adds.

In terms of consumption value, the market leader in 2009 was the motion picture industry sector, with 60% share of the US market for LED light panels/fixtures, reckons ElectroniCast. However, TV broadcasters are also accepting the benefits of the ecological friendly ‘green tech’ solution, with 25% market share, while videography had a 15% share.

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